All of us questioned and got out, didn't we? We aren't Superior to anyone who still is a JW.... we're just in a different life phase and/or lucky that our right buttons were pushed at the right time...
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Is There Any Thing That Would Make A JW SERIOUSLY Question Their Religion?
by minimus ini realize that jehovah’s witnesses have been dumbed down for long time now.
still, i think there must be something that would make them really question their beliefs, even their life.. i think that if witnesses were told they could take blood or that disfellowshipping was unloving, they might stop and take a hard look at everything they have sacrificed their lives for.. i know the organization has muddled these subjects before but the i think even die hard witnesses might start to second guess the governing body..
California Elder Arrested
by James Jack incrime.
daniel macias said.. investigators learned that ramos was an elder at a jehovah’s witnesses church in the 4000 block of west mckinley avenue.
there, he met a teen girl and her family three years ago.. .
Anders Andersen
If they were married it would have been legal.
It's immoral regardless.
And they are not married so it's illegal as well.
Russian Supreme Court - Parental rights to be denied those who involve their children in sects, extremist or terrorist organizations
by OrphanCrow inthe children of russian jehovah's witnesses face removal from their family if their parents continue to indoctrinate the children and engage them in religious activity.*.
*not yet in force but soon to be.
Anders Andersen
Russia appears to become as scary as cult a JW are...
Putting rules in place to separate family members from each other because they have the wrong beliefs or religion...2 wrongs don't make a right.
Bank and ATM's..
by zeb ini went to the atm to get out my housekeeping and budgeting money.
($650) this covers large bills and everyday shopping for food etc.. made the withdrawal and as i fumbled my wallet the atm took the money back.
a bank staff member was present helping another customer with the other atm and saw this.
Anders Andersen
Afaik almost all ATM everywhere grab the money back to prevent theft in case a person really forgets to take his money.
Of course the ATM will record that it took the money back, and make a note on your transaction. Quite likely the bank could see right away that your withdrawal was cancelled.
I guess HQ just wants to check these cancelled transactions to prevent fraud.
For example, I know there used to be a scam where one could carefully take only the middle bill(s) and wait for the ATM to swallow what's left, unaware of the missing bills. The person would still get the whole amount credited on their account.
Today they probably match your cancelled withdrawal claim with any accounting differences in that specific ATM after they refill it. And that would mean waiting for the regular refilling schedule....
Blood Transfusion & Loss of Salvation?
by Counter-Watchtower inin my reading on this site ive read ppl in org were afraid of losing salvation if they had a blood transfusion.
like its the unpardonable sin or something (of course it is not, the bible never says not to have a blood transfusion).
ive read all i could find on but nothing about what would happen if you had one.
Anders Andersen
It's not an unforgivable act per session, but it's often very deliberate.
Can you imagine any other 'sin' where you first have multiple discussions with your spouse about whether you'd do it or not, talk to your doctors, the elders....already had a signed will in your wallet saying that other people shouldn't force you commit this 'sin'.....and then go ahead and do it anyway? It would take a very bold and 'brazen' attitude to be so deliberate about 'sinning'
On top of that, accepting blood is not a fun way to break the rules. Getting drunk or having sex with your hot colleague seems much more fun and tempting.
And while both genitals and blood are considered to be sacred, I guess most JW don't really view their genitals as such :-D
Oh and other sins are not 'trying to save your life', and JW have been indoctrinated with Jesus' words that 'everyone who tries to save their life will lose it'.
So their is a huge mental barrier that stops JW from accepting blood.
October 10, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Relocation Newsletter (UK)
by wifibandit inoctober 10, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation—newsletter.
britain branch relocation project edition 6 autumn 2017.
Anders Andersen
Sparrow made me lol :-D
Did you leave the JW RECENTLY? Really? Recently? WTF were you thinking?
by The Real Edward Gentry innot to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
Anders Andersen
They are trapped in a mental Prison. They build and maintain the bars of the Prison themselves, thinking they are doing the right thing.
That's exactly why I never really researched JW beliefs until I allowed myself to do so when I was already 35.
It takes time to chisel away those prison bars, especially when it's yourself who is building and maintaining these bars at the same time....
Who has a harder time leaving JW's - Born Ins or those who converted?
by HeyLittleGirl inmy freind (who is also out) and i were talking about this the other night.
i was a born-in, 3rd generation jw and she converted when she was in her late 20's.. when she left, she said that she knew the world wasn't as bad as she was told as a jw, so she knew she would be fine.
also, she still had lots of "worldly" family who welcomed her back with open arms.. it was harder for me - i had nobody in the "world", no family or freinds.
Anders Andersen
I guess it's much harder to adapt to life outside the cult for born-ins.
They never knew normal. They don't know how to behave socially, they have warped views of personal boundaries.
On top of that more likely than not a good part of their family is JW, and all of their friends.
Converts probably know how to behave outside the cult. They have non JW family. They may have retained some non-JW friends at the back burner.
However, 66% of born-ins eventually leave the JW, vs 33% who eventually leave JW over all members (if I recall correctly).
That would mean that almost all who leave are born-ins. Converts are apparently really really sure and blinded (maybe because the 'sunk cost' are much greater for them?).
Basically both are screwed, because it's a cult.
ARC—What's Next?
by Saename inso as we know, the wt changed very little with regards to how they respond to child sexual abuse allegations.
they basically ignored the australian royal commission's report on how they could improve their policies.
the watchtower is left alone in australia to do as they please, or will there be some kind of follow-up?
Anders Andersen
The goals of the ARC is to provide the government with information and recommendations. The government can use all that to create or alter laws regarding mandatory reporting by institutions of abuse they know about, a joint redress scheme, etc. Of course this will take time....likely some years.
In the mean time, quite some JW abuse cases were handed to the police to investigate. These cases are likely to be followed up on.
But all of this takes time. Too much time for our taste of course....
ANNUAL MEETING LETTER - To Zimbabwe congregations
by The Fall Guy ina nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
Anders Andersen
I think this will reduce preaching a lot.
For the really zealous, this change doesn't really matter. They were trying to bait people into
the recruitment processBible study anyway.For the less enthusiastic and zealous, this will reduce service hours. There are a lot of dubs who love the invitation campaigns because that's a lot better than offering mags or actually talking to people. These dubs will not be happy about having to start Bible studies. They'll be hiding under a rock instead.
So these dubs will continue to simply offer mags. But with much less issues and no monthly offers, that'll get boring pretty fast. So less hours in service as they can't arse themselves to go out.
On top of that, those with huge magazine 'routes' will get a lot less easy hours driving around territory placing mags with people they already know will take them. These hours will be lost now, or they'll have to do more cold calling door to door....
Wonderful news!